Ayurveda Steam Bath – Full Procedure and Benefits

What is Steambath Therapy? A Steam bath is a steam-filled room for the purpose of relaxation and cleansing. Steam bath has been used since ancient times as a traditional healing system all over the world. Finnish saunas, Turkish baths, and Japanese steam rooms are some of the traditional types of …

weight loss

Amazing 21 Tips: Weight Management for Improved Health

It is a hard fact that the internet is overflowing about information regarding weight-loss, obesity, and other weight loss tips. We get all kinds of information from a detailed diet plan on how to lose weight in just a couple of weeks. However, most of us lack information on how …

weight loss

Weight Loss and Diet Tips to Lose Weight Safely

Tired of those excess kilos that makes you easily tired?? Depressed that most of your favorite dresses are not fitting anymore? Worry not!! You don’t have to starve yourself to get back in shape. A few scientific changes in your everyday eating habits are all you need to shed those …

Physiotherapy for pain management

Physiotherapy for Pain Management

Having that long unbearable back pain?? Medication does not seem to have many effects on them and you do not want to struggle with it anymore? Then physiotherapy is your answer. Our body is an abled system that is connected to tip-to-toe with various functions. What works for one part …

Acupuncture: How it works, uses, benefits, and risks

Introduction to Naturopathy Naturopathy is a system of alternative medicine for treating diseases successfully without the use of drugs. Naturopathy is Recognised and well accepted as an independent System of Medicine by AYUSH (Govt of India). Naturopathy makes use of the self-healing capability of our body. This type of therapy …

Hydrotherapy: Know more about the healing properties of water

Hydrotherapy is a technique of treating diseases and disorders with the help of water. It is one of the techniques of drugless treatment called Naturopathy. Before we understand the powerful benefits of hydrotherapy, we need to know the principles of naturopathy. Naturopathy: What is it? Remember when your mother suggested …

How to change my healthy eating habits to a balanced diet?

How to change my healthy eating habits to a balanced diet?

The best way to achieve optimum health is a perfectly balanced diet. Assuming that the healthy diet you have been consuming for long is actually a balanced diet would be a misconception. Healthy meals don’t always mean that you have a truly balanced diet. With a vast range of diet …

What are the Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Nutrition?

A healthy diet doesn’t need to be bland or tasteless. You might not know this but your daily diet houses ample nutrition. Before you indulge in a healthy diet, it is necessary to know the nutrition of your daily diet and the food items that you love to add to …

What are the proven Health benefits of Yoga and Meditation?

Yoga & meditation always go together and has existed for 1000s of years. This duo of yoga-meditation is used in the form of an alternative exercise and health treatment in daily life. This keeps the body and mind happy and healthy. While practicing yoga adds on flexibility, balance, endurance, as well …

Therapeutic Yoga’s Poses To Reduce Hypertension and Stress

The pressure at which the blood circulates in our blood vessels is called Blood Pressure. This Pressure is due to the functioning of the heart i.e. pumping blood. Blood pressure fluctuates all through the day. It is usually lowest during night hours and highest when you wake up.Blood pressure along …