Hormonal imbalance

The Symptoms of a Hormone Imbalance and How to treat it

Feeling irritable, bloated or just away from your normal self? The blame could be put upon hormonal imbalance. Chemical “messengers” creating an impact on the proper functioning of your organs and cells fall under the category of hormones. The horrible mood swings, blaring lights, oily hair, and a protruding tummy …

Naturopathy Treatment for PCOS: How can it help?

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) has become a common issue for the women belonging to reproductive age, with incidence rate of 6-10%. But it is broadly unknown for particular subpopulations built on the basis of race/ethnicity and geographical location. When visiting a doctor, almost 75% of individuals remain undiagnosed. Almost 60-80% …

weight loss

Weight Loss and Diet Tips to Lose Weight Safely

Tired of those excess kilos that makes you easily tired?? Depressed that most of your favorite dresses are not fitting anymore? Worry not!! You don’t have to starve yourself to get back in shape. A few scientific changes in your everyday eating habits are all you need to shed those …

How to change my healthy eating habits to a balanced diet?

How to change my healthy eating habits to a balanced diet?

The best way to achieve optimum health is a perfectly balanced diet. Assuming that the healthy diet you have been consuming for long is actually a balanced diet would be a misconception. Healthy meals don’t always mean that you have a truly balanced diet. With a vast range of diet …

What are the Benefits of a Healthy Diet and Nutrition?

A healthy diet doesn’t need to be bland or tasteless. You might not know this but your daily diet houses ample nutrition. Before you indulge in a healthy diet, it is necessary to know the nutrition of your daily diet and the food items that you love to add to …

What are the Best South Indian Diet Plans to Reduce Weight

What are The Best South Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Today, everyone is chasing for their dream fit psychic. And why shouldn’t they? After all, your body is the only element that is purely yours and you are its own. So why not keep your body as healthy and active as possible?  Remember that a healthy body can not only …