The pressure at which the blood circulates in our blood vessels is called Blood Pressure. This Pressure is due to the functioning of the heart i.e. pumping blood. Blood pressure fluctuates all through the day. It is usually lowest during night hours and highest when you wake up.
Blood pressure along with pulse rate, body temperature etc is one the important functions which indicate healthy living of a human being.
Blood pressure that falls above the standards (i.e. 120/80mmHg) is defined in medical terms as Hypertension. Stress can be a key factor that causes
Therapeutic Yoga is one of the means to control hypertension and stress. People suffering from high blood pressure and stress are usually advised to join yoga classes for practicing Therapeutic Yoga.
It refers to the adaptation of Yoga principles and applying them to cure the various human ailments in a natural way. Yoga and meditation pacify sympathetic nervous system reducing stress and high blood pressure, thereby controlling risk factors.
Benefits of Yoga and Meditation for hypertension: –
Research shows that physical activity can lower down your blood pressure. Yoga results in providing you strength and flexibility. Meditation helps you to lower down your blood pressure by a significant amount.
- Practicing Yoga asana results in maintaining the nervous system, performing some asana helps in lowering down the blood pressure.
- Yoga asana includes conscious deep breathing while synchronizing body movements. They help to lower down the blood pressure naturally, by relieving stress.
- Yoga and meditation help in increasing immunity and also reduces the chances of cardiac strokes.
- Obesity can be one of the factors for causing hypertension. Practicing Yoga daily, while taking some extra tips from Yoga teacher helps you in maintaining body weight.
- Yoga serves positive energy to body and mind. It helps in regulating the blood pressure.
The Following asana can be proved helpful and Therapeutic for those who are suffering from high blood pressure:-
Janusirsasana ( Head-to-Knee Forward Bend):–
This therapeutic pose is for reducing the high blood pressure. This improves digestion, control and calms the brain by reducing stress.
Viparita Karani (Legs-Up-the-Wall):-
This is a supported calming inversion pose usually performed with the support of the wall. This pose helps in reducing and maintaining high blood pressure. Consult your Yoga class teacher before performing it.
Shishuasana (Child Pose):-
This seating pose proved to be very helpful in improving blood circulation. It regularizes the hips and back muscles. It relieves constipation problem, controlling the nervous system.
Paschimottanasana (Forward Bend Pose):-
his seated forward bend reduces the fats deposited in the abdomen part of the body, enable weight loss. It also tones the shoulders. It acts as an excellent stress reliever and normalizes high blood pressure.
Ustrasana (Camel Pose):-
The camel pose stretches anterior muscles of the body, improves flexibility and provides strength to the spine. Also reduces abdominal fat, and proved to be effective in lowering down the blood pressure. It is advised to perform under the guidance of a Yoga teacher.
Shavasana (Corpse Pose):-
This asana helps in repairing of tissues and cells in the body, helps to release stress. This asana proved helpful to people suffering from high blood pressure. It helps in reducing high blood pressure, controlling anxiety and insomnia
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Sitting Half Spinal Twist):-
This pose helps to make your spine flexible, open the chest and increases the oxygen supply to the lungs.
Badhakonasana (Butterfly Pose):-
This pose stimulates the heart and results in better blood circulation all over the body. It also helps in reducing stress.
Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose):-
It regulates the blood pressure in the body, enhancing the blood supply to all the tissues and cells properly.
Practicing Therapeutic yoga including the above can prove to be very beneficial in controlling and lowering down the high blood pressure naturally. If anyone is taking hypertensive medication, should consult one to the doctor before starting Yoga and meditation. It is important to take precautions when practicing Yoga with high blood pressure.
Can breathing exercises reduce hypertension?
Many of the research and studies reveal that breathing exercises and Pranayama can be other key features for reducing high blood pressure. These help in lowering down the risk factors:-
Deep breathing calms your sympathetic nervous system and increases the blood flow throughout the body.
Bhastrika Pranayam:-
It is an efficient breathing exercise, which one can practice slowly. It improves the blood circulation, provides relaxation to your body and mind. It also relieves stress and hypertension.
Kapalbharti Pranayam:-
This breathing exercise helps in weight loss. It improves the functioning of the respiratory system, keeps depression away bringing positive thoughts in one’s mind.
Anulom Vilom and Nadi Shodhan:-
This proves to very beneficial for reducing the stress and enhance the energy supply improving blood circulation. It should be practiced in the morning with empty stomach.
All the above exercises including several Therapeutic yoga poses will help you in lowering down the blood pressure
It is advised to perform yoga under expert guidance. One can consult a doctor, and join certain Yoga classes that will help in maintaining blood pressure. A person suffering from higher blood pressure is advice not to overdo any exercises, and pranayama should be done slowly.
Let Therapeutic Yoga Experts from Arogyadhama Help You to Deal with Common Ailments
We have emerged with noble solutions to health care seekers through Preventive, Educative and Curative activities through the principles of holistic practice of medicine. We offer Yoga for PCOD & Infertility, Yoga for Diabetes, Yoga for Hypertension, Yoga for Weight Loss & Digestive Problems and Many More…